Шинжлэх ухаан, технологи, инновац дэмжигч

Badrakh Energy supports the “Bundan” Project


On September 13-14, 2024 the medical professionals and specialists of the “Bundan” project worked in Sainshand city, Zuunbayan bagh of Sainshand soum, and Ulaanbadrakh and Zamiin-Uud soums of Dornogovi aimag. A total of 561 citizens, including 155 children from the aimag and soums received examinations from cardiovascular specialists, and received critically essential consultations. The “Bundan” project is initiated by Dr. B. Boldsaikhan, a heart surgeon and the Director of UB Songdo Hospital, and has previously provided examinations and diagnoses to hundreds of children, many of whom have undergone surgery.

Badrakh Energy LLC has consistently implemented various social and economic development projects in the soums and communities where it operates, focusing on five main areas, one of which is supporting public health. For example, the company has worked on improving healthcare services in soums of Dornogovi aimag through repairs, renovations, and equipment upgrades. This time, the company has supported the “Bundan” project, which provides free cardiovascular examinations and diagnoses to citizens and children.

Over 80,000 children are born annually in our country, with a study indicating that one child per 100 births has a congenital heart defect. This means that about a thousand children are diagnosed with congenital heart defects each year. Since 95% of the children born with congenital heart defects can be treated successfully with surgery, receiving timely examinations and consultations from specialized doctors is highly important. 


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